Chernovetskyi Investment Group
CIG is an investment company and one of the largest venture capitalist in East Europe.
When we work with a project in its different life cycle – does not matter if a startup or a project in business for a while – we are looking first of all for a potential for growth and scaling up, looking for talented and creative partners with whom we will share our victories!
We are not just another fund
Unlike usual venture funds in the market, we measure our efficiency by quality of investments and not by their number. We invest our own monies and not of someone else and invest only when we really see potential in the project.
We get just want we need
Usually, we are looking for a share of up to 25%.
We are there to help
We expect to get a seat in the Board to stay in focus and give our help when needed.
We give more then take
We have many years of experience of business with the entrepreneurs, experts and got network of connections with the leading investors of USA, India, Europe and Southeast Asia. We actively participate in development and promotion of the project in new markets and raising of financing in new rounds.
Investment potential
Implemented projects in 7 countries
Implementation percentage of started projects
Successful experience in investing
Welcome Word
Stepan Chernovetskyi, the President of CIG
The technologies are no more mere solutions of routine problems. Today, IT is changing our life model and creating new reality, new future. In this future, a human can get an unprecedented level of freedom. In this future, there are no geographical boundaries, in this future, we can live and create without limitations.
CIG’s mission is to make its own contribution into this new technological world. We are looking for the new projects that can significantly change infrastructure, healthcare and agriculture. We are looking for the people who are willing to work in projects that change our lives.
Let's build the future together!

Biography of CIG President
Stepan began his career at a leading Ukrainian bank, Pravex, following the successful completion of his law degree.
Stepan worked his way up the corporate ladder by advancing from the head of a branch to the Senior Vice President, before being appointed as a member of the bank’s Supervisory Board.
In 2008, after the sale of Pravex, including of his share, to Italian Intesa Sanpaolo, Stepan assumed management of the family assets in addition to running his own businesses. Since then, Stepan has made major successful investments, including in real estate and global financial markets.
In 2012, Stepan decided to start Chernovetskyi Investment Group. Today, his company invests in the most promising IT ventures in e-commerce, infrastructure, healthcare, and agriculture. Philosophy of the fund and Stepan himself is to invest into and to support the projects that increase quality of life, bring good emotions and happiness to people who become clients of a service with joy. CIG does not finance businesses that do not conform with this philosophy and social responsibility policies or exploiting human weaknesses. Fund’s investments are global but with their substantial portion focused in Ukraine and based on IT-patriotism in which Stepan sincerely believes. “My fund and I contribute into development of IT and technological industries in Ukraine. My wish is that the best Ukrainian talents stay in Ukraine, turn their ideas into businesses and operate their business from Ukraine. We will do our best to achieve this”, says Stepan.
In addition to leading CIG, Stepan is a sports enthusiast and the president of Elite Boxing Promotion sports company. He is also a patron of a multiple social initiatives of his charity fund.

Corporate culture
Our employees are the main value and the main instrument of the company's success. Qualification, commitment, and productivity of employees form the overall competitiveness of CIG.
Understanding this, the company pays great attention to such issues as education and personal development of staff, maintenance of corporate values and unity of team spirit, provision of comfort and safety.
We adhere to an individual approach to our employee, which allows us to effectively build the process of his professional and career growth, as well as organize the optimal principle of employee motivation.
Chernovetskyi Investment Group puts forward the highest standards and requirements when selecting its employees, gives them the best salary conditions on the labor market, because it consider them as its main value.